Dr. Gail Derin, HealthWise Therapeutics, is dedicated to give you

Personalized care, designed to bring forth

the inherent vitality of your heart, mind, and body

A professional who truly listens

Dr. Gail Derin, HealthWise Therapeutics, is dedicated to helping you and your family achieve optimal balance to your overall health and well-being.

Dr. Gail treats the individual and not just the condition. She offers Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy, Herbal Medicine, Structural Therapeutics, Visceral Manipulation, Nutritional support, among other modalities, to assist you in achieving optimal health.

Dr. Gail knows that creating a healthy body and mind requires a deeper understanding of the relationship between you and your current situation. Dr. Gail will take the time to listen to what you desire to achieve and help you restore health and harmony to your body, mind, and spirit.


Specializing in treatment for the following areas:


With over forty years of experience in practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine and Japanese-style Acupuncture, my ongoing journey revolves around exploring & teaching the principles of being in harmony with natural laws and fostering longevity. Acupuncture serves as a remarkable method to address the underlying causes of various health concerns.

Nutritional Counseling

Assessing one's tongue and pulse can reveal imbalances in the body, indicating areas of excess or deficiency. Tailored dietary recommendations and specific cooking methods are recommended to promote healing & enhance longevity. Additionally, nutritional supplements may be suggested to revitalize one's energy & overall well-being.

Structural Therapeutics

Daily habits can significantly influence the occurrence of aches and pains. Whether engaged in work, leisure activities, or even during sleep, proper posture is vital for overall well-being. Incorporating techniques such as Muscle Energy and Kinesiology, along with personalized exercises, can help improve range of motion, alignment and comfort.

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Dr. Gail has a calm and soothing way of supporting you in getting your body into its rightful form. Her wisdom, coupled with love, and a twist of intuition, is always on target. She successfully finds the root cause of ailments and uses powerful techniques to address them. I leave her office feeling aligned, stronger and rejuvenated. Thank you Dr. Gail!

-Anita Ross B.E., M.S.E.,Facilitator, Consultant, Life Coach
Author, Mean Time Love: A Woman’s Journey From Self-Loathe to Self-Love

For years my feet were in constant pain. Walking was painful, standing unbearable. Then I met Dr. Gail Derin. It took a couple of sessions to fix up what my doctors were unable to help for years and years. Now my life has totally changed. I don’t just walk. My favorite way to move is Zumba dancing! A monthly tune-up is a tremendous gift that I wish for everyone! We deserve the best. Gail Derin is it!

-Kathy Green, Educator



2790 Hyannis Way

Sacramento, CA 95827

Text: (916) 317-5385

Call: (916) 362-8652

Email: [email protected]


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